Chuyển tới nội dung chính

Multi Purchase


In Unity, you only need to call this method to pay and the payment type will depend on the DzoSDK server.

In Unity, follow these steps.

Step 1: Regist callback (1 time only)

    SDKAPI.multiPurchaseCallBack += (_result)=>{
Debug.Log(">>> MultiPurchase callback --- status: " + _result.status + " | errorCode: " + _result.errorCode + " | typePurchase: " + _result.typeMultiPurchase + " | money: " + + " | transactionID: " + _result.transactionID + " | sku: " + _result.sku + " | itemID: " + _result.itemID + " | roleID: " + _result.roleID + " | gameTransaction: " + _result.gameTransaction + " | lastHashID: " + _result.lastHashID + " | msg: " + _result.msg);

Step 2: Call method MultiPurchase


    public static void MultiPurchase(string _sku, string _itemID, string _roleID, string _gameTransaction)


string _sku= "dzo_20k_vnd";
string _itemID = "item01"; // OPTIONAL
string _roleID = "user123456";
string _gameTransaction = "1234567"; // OPTIONAL
SDKAPI.MultiPurchase(_sku, _itemID, _roleID, _gameTransaction);

TypeParameter NameTypeDescription
InputskustringStock Keeping Unit of this item.
Ex: “vn.dzogame.ts_sku_gold01”
itemIDstringID of Item in your game.
Ex: “sword01”
roleIDstringUserID in in game.
Ex: “User123456”
gameTransactionstringOrder code, transaction from the game.
Ex: “10938093890130192830”
ResulttypeMultiPurchaseint0: NOT_DEFINE
statusint0: Success
-999: Process To Server SDK Error
-997: Check Logic Error
-996: Purchase Failed
-99: Type In-App Purchase - Process To Store Error
-98: Type In-App Purchase - Success_Payment_OtherAccount,
-97: Type In-App Purchase - User Canceled
errorCodeintError code
msgstringMessage result payment
dzoOrderIdstringDzo order ID
moneystringPrice of item
gameTransactionstringOrder code, transaction from the game.
Ex: “10938093890130192830”
transactionIDstringPurchase Transaction ID
skustringStock Keeping Unit of this item
itemIDstringID of Item in your game.
Ex: “sword01”
roleIDstringUserID in in game.
Ex: “User123456”
lastHashIDstringLast hashID
Ex: “Dzo.123456789”